Energy-saving tips for your fridge | LG EXPERIENCE

Your fridge leaks energy every time you open the door

When you open the door of your fridge, a surge of warm air from outside forces it to work harder to lower the temperature. Read on for tips and tricks to help save energy and maybe even reduce your household bills.


Fridge and freezer stacking hacks

It’s hard to find what you need quickly in a poorly organized fridge, so the door will remain open for longer, leading to energy wastage. An over-stocked fridge also prevents cold air from circulating properly. Schedule a regular clear-out to improve air flow and enable you to find the items you need more quickly. 

On the other hand, your freezer functions best when fully stocked. If you have gaps, pop in some spare ice packs or a bottle of frozen water to help keep temperatures low and boost energy efficiency. 


Keep a note of whats inside

We’ve all found a surprise ingredient hidden away at the back of a shelf or drawer — often long past its use-by date. Prevent food waste by keeping track of the contents of your fridge using Post-it notes, a memo system in a notebook or a small magnetic whiteboard stuck to the door. Some people find it easier to attach receipts or food labels then discard them as they are used up.

Clearly label plastic bags and boxes in your freezer so you can easily identify what’s inside. Rotate foods by expiry date so you are circulating ingredients, and group foodstuffs by type: e.g., one shelf for breads, another for ready meals, another for vegetables, fruit, etc. The quicker it is to locate what you seeking, the less energy you will waste from having the door open.


Get organized

Allocating certain parts of your fridge and freezer for different foods will prolong the life of your groceries as well as make it easier to find what you are looking for. You will save time AND energy.

The coldest to warmest spots are as follows:

  • Inner freezer (best for meat and seafood)
  • Freezer shelves 
  • Freezer door
  • Inner fridge (best for meat)
  • Crisper drawer(s)
  • Fridge shelves/ door (best for sauces, jams, relishes)

Adopting a system for food storage will help you eat more healthily and prevent excess spending on foods that go off before you get around to eating them.


Reduce energy usage effortlessly

All new LG refrigerators are fitted with a low-energy inverter Linear Compressor™, which runs on 32% less energy than other conventional reciprocating compressors in the market. And since the Linear Compressor™ also helps maintain your food at optimal freshness, you can be confident you are maximising your health while minimising your energy footprint with LG.

Life's Good!

1 Compared to the refrigerator with LG conventional reciprocating compressor. Based on VDE testing comparing energy consumption and noise level between LGE model GBB530NSCXE and GBB530NSQWB.