1) Welcome 5% Discount Voucher - Receive a Welcome Voucher giving a 5% discount on your first purchase when you join. Voucher is only valid for products, including accessories, purchased online at lg.com/uk. Voucher code must be applied to shopping cart to redeem this offer. Welcome voucher is valid for the first 90 days since sign-up. Welcome voucher may not be valid in conjunction with other offers.
2) Membership Discount - For your purchases as an LG.com Member, you receive a 2% membership discount to redeem in the LG online store for all orders. This is valid as long as the LG membership policy is maintained.
3) Free Delivery - Products can only be delivered within UK area. Delivery of the Product(s) does not include installation, except where we expressly specify otherwise at the time of ordering on our LG Online Store. LG provides free Delivery service not only to members, but for every purchaser from lg.com/uk.
4) Free Installation - When purchasing Home Appliances product except Styler, built in Dishwasher you are entitled to free installation. LG provides free Installation service not only to members, but for every purchaser from lg.com/uk.
5) Free Return - Free Returns for All LG.com orders including accessories within 30 days (delivery date) LG provides free return service not only to members, but for every purchaser from lg.com/uk.
6) Free Disposal - When purchasing Home Appliances products you are entitled to free disposal. LG provides free disposal service not only to members, but for every purchaser from lg.com/uk.
7) Newsletter - Only available to members who have agreed to receive marketing and communications.