Get that fluffy ‘hotel towel feel’ in your own home | LG EXPERIENCE

Invest in the best


Hotel towels tend to be 100% cotton, which gives them a plush, absorbent quality. It might sound obvious, but investing in a set of high-quality towels will give you best results.

Wash before use


New towels are likely to be coated in a silicone, fabric softener finish which reduces absorbency, so give them a wash before first usage.

Maintain absorbency


Twisted towels will be less absorbent, so shake them while wet before drying, to help loosen the fibres. Avoid using fabric softener on towels as it can make them less absorbent.

Use the Towels cycle feature


Select the dedicated ‘Towels’ cycle on your LG washing machine to ensure your laundry gets the most appropriate wash for its needs. Your machine will deliver the right amount of detergent, rinse and spin to keep your towels in tip-top fluffy condition.

Store towels vertically, like books on a bookshelf


Stacking your towels vertically in the linen cupboard, rather than horizontally, helps air circulate to keep them smelling fresh. It also prevents lower towels from getting squashed and losing that luxurious fluffy quality.

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